

Innovation within the expansion department Apply the latest technologies to sell franchises, and open stores in the deadlines and with the quality committed is essential. We will save time and money, accelerate processes and avoid redundancies in the opening processes. Some proposals could be: Virtual visits: Both virtual 100% and 360 views on real stores. Incorporating informative points along the same, defining its content, explaining even the why of each part. Here we would have a virtual 100% link You must sign up to be given access, your approach is correct to give it value. You can generate other more detailed tours integrated in the informative process. link sunset appears in google street, you could work more ... They can be 100% focused on describing the business, to sell franchises or for example focusing on some specific aspect of it (visual) To align the teams in the opening. Prevent the visual norms or any other technical aspect from being applie...


It is estimated that 43% of open franchises are through direct references (this data comes from the North American franchise market, they measure everything), that is, they have started from the recommendation-indication of an independent third party (it does not have a direct economic interest). To my mind this data is correct, the "word of mouth" effect has a fundamental power when it comes to making a decision. The trust generated by a board of an "independent" third party has a huge weight when it comes to investing. How many sales we fall for the opinion of the "wedge" third, and it is normal to happen. In the end the uncertainty and the risk mix explosively. Although the probability (uncertainty) that the approach posed by that person is low, the risk (danger) of losing a high investment exists. A third party will give a greater probability to that weak point discovered ... that there always is, and it will be difficult to refute it. ...
KEY ASPECTS TO SELECT A FRANCHISE OR A MASTER Sometimes the notoriety of the brand dazzles. Being a brand recognized by the general public should not blind us when deciding to invest in franchising. Other times the originality of the business, the scarce competition or the wide network of franchisees, relax the analysis and seem to decant for those factors the decision. That the expansion team when you sell the franchise tells you about sales figures, great returns and demonstrate them objectively is fine. But then I propose six points that can serve as proof of cotton for any franchise. If the expansion teams just tell you about them ... they're selling you blind. To my mind, the key points in order of importance would be: This a famous Spanish advertising.  1. Structure. The franchisor must have specialized equipment, must create value through its central services. If we basically seek to replicate successful business, the franchisor must know h...


Se estima que el 43% de las franquicias abiertas lo son a través de referencias directas (este dato viene del mercado norteamericano de franquicias, ellos lo miden todo), es decir han partido de la recomendación-indicación de un tercero independiente (no tiene un interés económico directo). En mi opinión es correcto este dato, el efecto " de boca en boca" tiene un poder fundamental a la hora de tomar una decisión. La confianza que genera un consejo de un tercero "independiente" tiene un peso enorme a la hora de invertir. Cuantas ventas se nos caen por la opinión del "cuñao" tercero, y es normal que suceda. Al final la incertidumbre y el riesgo, se mezclan explosivamente.  Aunque la probabilidad (incertidumbre) de que el enfoque que plantea esa persona sea bajo, el riesgo (peligro) de perder una inversión alta existe. Un tercero dara una mayor probabilidad a ese punto debil descubierto...que siempre lo hay, y será complicado rebatirlo. El ejempl...

FRANCHISING: How to have more quality leads? II

FRANCHISING: How to have more quality leads? Within an ocean of offers, and in a heads up against our most direct competitors in franchising, getting the attention of potential franchisees has always been complicated. The complexity of this game has increased over the last decade as multiple online channels appear and completely change the decision-making process of buying a franchise. It is essential that the expansion department, rather than a sales department role, develop even more its activity centred on communication and online marketing. Even within the pure sales process we will always have doubts about whether to propose an aggressive sale and seek closure as soon as possible, trying to be the support of the franchisor that determines the viability of the business (we will have lower losses or problems in the future), or to consider that the process itself creates a quality and real interest for the candidate himself. We must have several aspects ready, so ...

Innovaciones dentro del departamento de expansion

Innovación dentro del departamento de expansión Aplicar las últimas tecnologías para vender franquicias, y abrir tiendas en los plazos y con la calidad comprometida es imprescindible. Ahorraremos tiempo y dinero, aceleraremos procesos y evitaremos redundancias en los procesos de apertura. Algunas propuestas podrían ser: Visitas virtuales: Tanto los virtuales 100% como las de vistas 360º sobre t iendas reales. Incorporando puntos informativos a lo largo de la misma, definiendo su contenido, explicando incluso el por qué de cada parte. Aquí tendríamos una virtual 100% link debes darte de alta para que te den acceso, es correcto su planteamiento para darle valor. Puedes generar otros tours más detallados integrados en el proceso informativo. link sunset aparece en google street, se podría trabajar más... Pueden ser 100% enfocadas a describir el negocio, para vender franquicias o por ejemplo enfocarlas en algún aspecto específico del mismo (visual) Para alinear ...

CO-GESTION: ¿Por qué es necesaria?

CO-GESTION = PREVENCIÓN Para un franquiciador, el grado de especialización de su estructura general y en concreto la de su area de franquicias es el mejor indicador sobre el nivel de servicio que da a sus franquiciados. Además durante un proceso de comercialización de franquicias, exponer que intervendrás en la gestión de la franquicia de forma activa, puede ser un punto de valor si se expone claramente desde un principio. Los procesos de control del negocio de la mayoría de las marcas en franquicia, son mínimos, los responsables de franquicia no suelen entrar más allá de la venta del producto y mejora de indicadores de venta para evitar responsabilidades. Apenas se coordinan con otros departamentos como el financiero o marketing para anticiparse a futuros problemas y ofrecer soluciones personalizadas o estructurales. Su gestión es reactiva y no preventiva. Solo actúan en esas nuevas áreas si las cosas van muy mal. Es muy frecuente que este apoyo se difumine en los pro...